Thursday, March 24, 2011

Movies I am thinking about seeing:

Well, since I read advance reviews of Sucker Punch indicating it has an ending that invalidates any enjoyment I’d get from the cool action and Emily Browning’s and Abby Cornish’s acting, I’ve reevaluated my list of films I’m interested in seeing.  Interestingly, after Jane Eyre, there is nothing this year (except maybe Brad Bird directing Mission: Impossible – and only because it’s Brad Bird) that is on my “almost certainly will see” list (well, I will see Cars 2 because it's Pixar.  But I'm not terribly excited about it).  So this is just my “probably,” “possibly,” and “Absolutely not” list.



Why: Kenneth Branagh

Why not: Marvel movies have not impressed me for over six years.  Plus, why do I care about Norse gods as superheros?

Captain America

Why: it looks fun, it sets up for The Avengers, which I’m actually excited about, I like Chris Evans a lot better after he was in Push and Street Kings.

Why not: it doesn’t look great, Joe Johnston likes to make stupid comments about all sorts of things and he directed Jurassic Park III.  Which is a bad thing.

X-Men First Class

Why: Matthew Vaughn did Stardust, it has Emma Frost

Why not: Matthew Vaughn did Kick-Ass, it has James Macavoy.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Why: I enjoyed the first movies’ acting and dialogue.  Also, it’s Sherlock Holmes.

Why not: I hated the first movies’ directing and plot.  Also, it’s Moriarty.

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Why: Brad Bird is directing.  And Brad Bird directed The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and The Iron Giant.  And I liked M:I 3 decently well.

Why not: I’ve really grown to dislike J. J. Abrams’ work.  And Tom Cruise is really hit or miss – mostly miss.

Source Code

Why: Plot looks semi-interesting, Michelle Monaghan

Why not: Jake Gyllenhall looks boring, the plot doesn’t look that interesting

Cars 2

Why: Pixar, I was surprisingly entertained and moved by Cars

Why not: the trailer looks like it’s all Mater, all the time.  And that’s a very bad thing.


Why: Animation!  And return to classic stories!

Why not: Well, I didn’t see Heffalump.  And I hated Springtime for Roo.  But I liked Tigger and Piglet’s movies.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Why: Because they’ll have to cut out most of the smoking that wasted half the screentime of the BBC series.  And Colin Firth, Gary Oldman, and other fantastic British actors are in it.

Why not: it might turn out to be dull even at such a length.

Breaking Dawn 1

Why: Because I’ve more enjoyed than not the other films.  Plus, Alice.

Why not: Because I have no clue about the director, and I’m very upset they brought the guy who composed the rather incoherent and electric guitar full (and ugly) score from the first film back.


Hugo Cabret

Why: because it has a nice cast, Martin Scorcese makes pretty, well-acted films

Why not: Martin Scorcese makes morally troubling films, I know nothing about the plot or characters

Red Dawn

Why: it might be more entertaining and better thought through than the rather boring 80s original.

Why not: it’s based on an 80s movie.  And the preliminary stills do not look interesting.  Plus, I’ve heard they’re changing the villains from China to Korea…er, what?


Why: It looks cool.  Paul Bettany is in it.  It might have some interesting theology.

Why not: It looks like it might end similarly to Sucker Punch.  Which would mean it would invalidate all the enjoyment from the cool action.

Spy Kids 4

Why: I really enjoyed the first Spy Kids.

Why not: I really didn’t enjoy the second.  Didn’t bother with the third.  And Rodriguez does not have a track record of films I think are worth seeing (yes, Sin City, I’m looking at you).


Why: Ashley Greene

Why not: Jennifer Garner.  And the movie itself sounds like it could be quite limp.


Why: Shakespeare

Why not: Well, I know nothing about this Shakespeare.  And I’m not a fan of some of Shakespeare.

Absolutely not:

Pirates 4

Why: I barely tolerated the first film (I don’t like pirates as heros).  The second and third were simply bad.  And Johnny Depp is not a draw for me.

Transformers 3

Why: I didn’t tolerate the first film.  It was an unenjoyable, ugly, stupid, morally vile mess with no intellectual satisfaction from the action.  I angrily avoided the second, and will even more angrily avoid the third.  Why does garbage like this keep getting made when there are so many better stories to tell?  I mean, seriously, you could make an amazing Ender’s Game movie on a quarter of the money they burnt for this idiocy.

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