Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear Hollywood Reviewers...

You are idiots.  Just because something is "dark," "gothic," openly "passionate," and "concerned with entertaining and not being faithful to the source material" does not make it a good film.

Now, I have no doubt that Jane Eyre is a good film.  I'm greatly looking forward to watching it.  But all your sneering asides about "those cozy Jane Austen films" are 1) unsubstantiated; 2) exactly what you were saying about Bronte films when Pride and Prejudice came out 6 years ago (and kinda sexist too); 3) demonstrations of just how thick you are that you can't get the seething hostility, suffering, and purity of emotion found in all of Austen's novels.

Crack a book.  By a woman.  Sometime this century.  Thanks.

Posted via email from We read to know we're not alone

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