So, my monitor, which had built in speakers, died two days ago. Much frustration. So I trekked out to MicroCenter, bought me the second cheapest monitor (the cheapest was out of stock, and now that I have something this large, I'm already very happy - even if it's cheap, it's a huge step up from my last monitor - plus being much prettier). My speakers weren't quite so cheap, but on the recommendation of my sister, I bought them anyway, and they are very, very nice sounding. Not to mention being tiny tiny tiny so they don't take up space on my poor desk/two-bookcases-shoved together. Yay for new gadgets! My desk, now cleaned of all that dreck, is nice and techie looking with the new screen, new speakers, tiny tower and extra hard drive all piled around on it. All black. And pretty!Okay, that was very silly. But what I really wanted to say is this: the number of volume controls is very confusing. I mean, I have the two computer volumes, Wave and Master, and then the media player volume, topped off by the physical volume controls of the speakers. Why so many?
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